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(Ministry and Humanitarian & Empowerment Aid)

In memory of Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2)
 (13/02/2008 – 18/07/2010)

“ROAM AFRICA” – the “Reach Out Africa Mission” campaign started in 2010, in memory of Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2) after he choked on an apple and tragically passed away on 18 July 2010 (Late Nelson Mandela’s birthday). Adrian is the grandson of founding member of “ROAM AFRICA” Missionary Martin Phillip Erasmus. Read more - /

 “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in all  the  world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14

“ROAM AFRICA” the “Reach Out Africa Mission” campaign is a non-profit, non-racial, non-denominational Christian agency committed to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and offer ministry, humanitarian and empowerment aid to isolated and remote Kalahari San (Bushmen) & other African communities/villages.
Consider reality:
Ø  26 000 + children are dying each and every day as a result of hunger or cure able disease
Ø   3 billion and more people are homeless and on the brink of starvation
Ø  Over 100 000 of the Forgotten Tribe & First People of Africa, the Kalahari San (Bushmen), still live in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana
Ø  4.5 billion People in the world do not know of Jesus.

 Mission Statement

“Reach Out” through word and deed to empower poor hurting and needy isolated Kalahari San (Bushmen) & other African communities/villages, regardless of race or religion and assist them to alleviate spiritual, emotional and physical poverty and address the moral decline of societies. Proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and show families and communities that through on going and dedicated training and labour marginalized families will be able to profitably benefit from there God given talents, hard work and the natural resources available on their doorstep, in a way that witnesses God’s Grace and LOVE.

Through the “ROAM AFRICA” campaign and a network of many “Reach Out Africa Mission” partners we aim to start a movement of “Reach Out” teams/groups that will network and connect all the many private individuals, volunteers, professionals, religious & support organisations, charities, donors, fundraisers, NGO’s and NPO’s who help with economic, health, educational, social and spiritual up-liftment. As a result of the isolation of many African communities/villages, many people live in utmost poverty, they do not even have the basics of water (on tap), or toilets or a house / sturdy structure to live in. With no infrastructure or large cities close by social and spiritual decline has reached alarming levels. The moral health of societies has shown an alarming decline and families and communities desperately need social a spiritual transformation. Depending on circumstances and as the need arises “ROAM AFRICA” will endeavour to provide for a place of safety and shelter for abused woman and children and will assist with Humanitarian and Empowerment programs (accommodation, feeding and clothing) for the destitute, disabled/blind/deaf, orphans the old and the ill.

In most isolated African villages the need for spiritual and humanitarian & empowerment guidance/training is much needed and this will enable communities to acquire a lasting sustainable future and livelihood. Missionaries, volunteers, finances, funding, donations, teaching and training is needed for these isolated African communities. Through “ROAM AFRICA” we aim to pool our network of partners together in reaching the unreached, assisting with the planting of Churches/home groups and community impact projects. We aim to offer disadvantaged communities easily accessible opportunities for social and spiritual empowerment, education, and training opportunities in planting Churches or starting Christian home groups, equipping communities in Christian ministry/evangelism, values-based life skills, sustainable farming, tourism and hospitality, Arts, culture and social development, business management, sport development and training and training in various other fields.

The “Reach Out Africa Mission” is working together with a network of various ministry partners to help fulfil the great commission “…make disciples of all nations….” (Matthew 28:18-20). By equipping and assisting Missionaries, who are people called and sent by God to be messengers and who are Gods witnesses and Gods spokesmen, our goal, as Missionaries, is the reconciliation of a fallen humanity with God. God appoints sends and commissions individuals; we are partners and participants in this divine project. Announcing the good news is the responsibility of the Church and its members should proclaim and demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom of God, by their living. Some of our network partners include various Churches and religious organisations, Campus Crusade for Christ, The Jesus Film Project, Global Church Movement, International Ministry Fellowship and Global Mission Board.  

 Mission Management Plan

The Mission Church.

Christian mission is the most challenging ministry in its range and scope. Spiritually, it demands a radical change and stands distinct from all religions. Intellectually, it surpasses the wisdom of the world. Socially, it meets face to face with the struggles of humanity. Politically, it has no allies, and geographically, it covers the whole world. In its potential and scope, Christian mission brings heaven to earth. The success of missions hinges on proper identification of certain challenges and the formulation of timely responses to each one of them. The missionary is at the frontline of the battle and is the most persecuted of all Christians. For a broader understanding on some of the challenges that missionaries face, strategic challenges, religious challenges, cultural challenges, personal challenges, Refer to our comprehensive “ROAM AFRICA” ”Mission Call” manual and guidelines “God and Missions - Practical Training and Application” by Pastor Fred Matthew

“ROAM AFRICA’’ exists as a NPO (non-profit organisation) in its own right, separately from its various members and partners and will continue to exist even when members or partners change and there are different office bearers.  We endeavour to assist, teach, train and equip people who have been called and who have been activated by the Holy Spirit in the following areas; The Five Fold Office: - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.  The Supportive Ministry: - Helps, Compassion, Administration, Worship and Others. The Market Place Calling: - Business, Public Service, Professional and Community Service.   

 The “ROAM AFRICA” objectives are to handle the administration of missionaries in the field in isolated areas in all countries and as the need arrises. Assist with logistics of an Out Reach, planning and Leadership training and support active missionaries. The setting up and planting of new Churches or Home groups and Childrens ministry. Through missionary partners assist and support in Wellfare and Community projects, the destitute, the old, disabled, orphans and  the ill. Offer accomodation, clothing and feeding schemes when needed.  Assisting start-up missionaries and their families in need through various missionary support services.

Ordained Ministry - Educating and Equiping Missionaries

Ordination of a Minister can rightly be defined as the act of confirming the eligibility of a Christian for service in the Church of Jesus Christ through Bible Study or studies at an institution or the laying on of hands by senior ministers functioning as authorities in the Church. Ordination through a Bible School or University is normally very expensive and not accessible to many Christians who are truly called.   

If the present day Church of Jesus Christ must fulfil its Great Commission mandate, it is imperative that we begin to put in place a definite programme of action and training which will see people progress from being BELIEVERS to being DISCIPLES and finally, ORDAINED MINISTERS who are called through the Holy Spirit and anchored on spiritual gifts, to do the work of the ministry in all areas of church work, within and outside the four walls of the sanctuary.

“ROAM AFRICA” have partnered with International Ministry Fellowship ( and Global Missions Board ( who offer Ministerial Ordination to truly called and committed Christians who are prepared to submit themselves to be Taught, Trained, Equipped and have been activated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the following areas; The Five Fold Office(s) of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, The Supportive Ministry of Helps, Compassion, Administration, Worship, Others and the Market Place Calling of Business, Public Service, Professional, Community Service.

Global School of Ministry offers a network of ministers of the Gospel across racial, ethnic, denominational and geographic boundaries to create the spiritual synergy needful to positively impact families, cities, nations and regions. The exciting resources available provide members a process of continuing ministerial education through regular school of ministry in various chapters where they tap into the depth of wisdom available for training and re-training, free of charge.

Ordained Ministers sign an agreement wherein they willingly renounce every form of behaviour or conduct which does not glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Members commit to a sincere relationship with God and the saints in the fellowship and submit themselves to proper spiritual accountability concerning life and ministry. Members acknowledge that International Ministry Fellowship are at liberty to withdraw membership and credentials if a members life and ministry is found to be reproachful to the name of the Lord or if they engage in actions which violate trust and accountability in the fellowship.
(Refer to Ministerial Ordination – A New Testament Perspective: Teaching and Training Manual).         

“ROAM AFRICA” Ministry partners, such as Campus Crusade for Christ, the Jesus Film Project and Global Church Movement, exists to help further the Kingdom of God by working together and contributing to the multiplication, growth and development of biblical churches and faith communities/Bible study/home groups. The “Global Church Movement” and the “Jesus Film Project” is a ministry of “Campus Crusade for Christ International”.

The “Jesus Film Project” ministry is committed to sharing the Good News of God’s Love and forgiveness with all people/nations. What began as a ministry to university students on one campus in 1951, is now a worldwide movement with over 25 000 staff members, having a ministry presence in more than 200 countries. To this day Jesus’ command “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”has not changed. As Bible-believing Christians/Disciples we have been commanded and we have the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the ends of a fallen and lost world. It is our responsibility to know Him more intimately and to take His message of Love and forgiveness to the ends of the earth.

Facing many challenges it is an enormous task to follow up on this great commission. Daily the population of our planet increases faster than the population of the church – many churches are empty and we now need to take the church to the people. Half of the world’s people remain illiterate and cannot read or respond to the written word. Since 1900 Christians have printed more than four billion bibles, this however has not helped those who cannot read. In this modern world it was found that people can more easily be reached through radio, TV and films. Unfortunately even today in many countries Christian radio and TV is not readily available. With the “Jesus Film Project” we take the Gospel to the people wherever they are. The “Jesus Film” has helped millions of people in very remote and isolated villages or settlements to know God and to have a personal relationship with Him.

The “Jesus Film”, based on the Gospel of Luke, has been translated into more than 1,000 languages and has been viewed by more than 5 billion people. This story of Jesus takes Jesus to the people, where they live, to the remotest corners of earth, and in their own heart language. Award-winning film producer John Heyman, has created a film so true-to-life you’ll feel like you’re in first century Palestine. With a cast of more than 5,000 Israelis and Arabs, Jesus was filmed on location in Israel, using a script taken directly from the Gospel of Luke. This moving account of the life of Jesus gives an amazing authentic portrayal of one of the most influential and captivating figures in all human history, Jesus of Nazareth.

Christians need to continually work on and renew their personal relationship with God. We pray that the Jesus Film will encourage all of us to persevere in our faith. Please feel free to contact “ROAM AFRICA”  if you want to introduce the “Jesus Film” to your church, bible-study or home–group.

“Reach Out Africa Mission”

“ROAM AFRICA”:  Proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations, and Reach Out to offer ministry, humanitarian and empowerment Aid to isolated hurting and needy Kalahari San (Bushmen) and other African communities.

+  “ROAM” CARE - Relying entirely on volunteer workers and donations we assist many NPO’s, religious organisations, Welfare Projects, refugees, the homeless, the old, disabled, orphans and hurting and needy families with food, clothing, shelter, bedding , linen… 

+ ”ROAM” SHARE – We share life changing stories/testimonies and award winning movies with all communities. The Jesus Film, Magdalena and Walking with Jesus takes a message of hope, the message of Christ to all communities in their own heart language.

+ “ROAM”PRAYER – Planting Churches and Faith communities with the Jesus Film Project and Global Church Movement’s multiplying Churches and Communities training program. We assist with creating an awareness of God’s love for all and contribute towards teaching and training in the growth and development of Churches, communities and care/home/bible study groups.

For more details and if you want to support please CONTACT
SA Office: +27 31 903 2540
 Martin Erasmus +27 79 605 1049 Email: or 
Rev. Alain Nshimbi +27 735 302 5751   
