“ROAM AFRICA” “REACH OUT AFRICA MISSION” (Ministry and Humanitarian & Empowerment Aid) In memory of Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2) (13/02/2008 – 18/07/2010) “ROAM AFRICA” – the “R each O ut A frica M ission” campaign started in 2010, in memory of Adrian Phillip Herrewyn (2) after he choked on an apple and tragically passed away on 18 July 2010 (Late Nelson Mandela’s birthday). Adrian is the grandson of founding member of “ROAM AFRICA” Missionary Martin Phillip Erasmus. Read more - www.paintingangles.blogspot.com / www.deolaudes.blogspot.com “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 “ROAM AFRICA” the “Reach Out Africa Mission” campaign is a non-profit, non-racial, non-denominational Christian agency committed to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and offer ministry, humanitarian and empowerment aid to isolated and...